Healing Space Live & Online: Chats with Roxanne and Rhonda
In-depth conversations with professionals, i.e., therapists, social workers, entrepreneurs, authors, etc., and those who have experienced varied forms of violence such as childhood sexual assault, molestation, rape, human trafficking, teen dating violence, and domestic violence.
Cultivating the healing process is the overarching goal of the Podcast. Each episode ends with a Something to Think About quote.
Guest speakers will—
Provide evidence-based research and stories of personal abuse experiences to help listeners understand the complexities of relationship violence.
Talk about healthy relationships so listeners understand how building and sustaining a healthy relationship has a positive intergenerational effect.
Encourage listeners who have experienced abuse to develop self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-love and to become self-sufficient.
Healing Space Live & Online: Chats with Roxanne and Rhonda
Healthy Relationships: There IS Such a Thing with the Herrings!
Join us as we recognize Domestic Violence Awareness Month with a couple that's in a healthy relationship!
This robust conversation will let our audience know that there is such a thing as a healthy relationship, whether they believe it or not! Unfortunately, some do not think there is such a thing!
This episode will dispute that myth with Drs. Christine and Chuck Herring. They exude what a healthy relationship entails and will give the audience hope if they do not believe they can experience one.